
Many of us encounter resistance to practices we know are healing and nourishing. Here are some thoughts on why this happens.

You’ve started tapping (or meditating) and are noticing positive changes, perhaps even quickly. But then, resistance creeps in. Why?

Resistance often arises because the egoic mind dislikes change. Initially, practices like EFT or meditation bring a sense of calm and progress. However, as you continue, you begin to access deeper layers of the mind—beliefs and feelings that have been buried. The egoic mind, built on past stress, trauma, and memories, resists letting go because it believes holding onto these experiences keeps you safe.

Another factor is the fear of the unknown. As you dismantle old stresses and traumas, you venture into uncharted territory within yourself. Human nature tends to resist change, favoring the familiar—even if it’s unpleasant—because it feels safer than the unknown. The drama and stress, though uncomfortable, become something you know and expect.

As you release stress and limiting beliefs, you may find more peace and less reactivity. Your relationship with everything begins to change, which can trigger fear of the unknown. This shift can cause resistance not only within yourself but also in those around you. Others may struggle with your changes, leading to a period of adjustment.

The good news is that this resistance is natural. When resistance kicks in, and you feel like giving up, remember that it can be a sign of progress. The egoic mind resists because you’re making real changes within yourself and your life.


Energy of emotions.


Vagus nerve reset.