Janine Coney Janine Coney


Gratitude is often seen as a simple emotion or a polite response to kindness, but it is much more than that. When viewed through the lens of energy and consciousness, gratitude emerges as a powerful energetic force that can transform not only our inner state but also the world around us.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney


Grounding connects your energy to the Earth’s, stabilizing you by syncing with its steady frequency.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Energy is real.

Energy is not just a concept confined to physics; it is a fundamental aspect of our existence that influences our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Pioneers like Ervin Laszlo and Gregg Braden have explored the reality of energy in ways that bridge science and spirituality, offering compelling insights into how it shapes our lives.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Next steps.

Fear around moving forward and taking your next steps is a common experience that can paralyze us when we face uncertainty or change.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney


Hoʻoponopono is an ancient Hawaiian forgiveness technique and self-healing practice.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Chakras and emotions.

Emotions are not just physical; they also have a profound connection to our energetic body, which includes our chakras and meridians.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Pen to paper manifesting.

Journaling for manifesting is a practice that helps align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your goals, making them more likely to materialize. This method is grounded in the principles of the Law of Attraction, positive psychology, and cognitive behavioral techniques.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Emotions stored.

Emotions are deeply connected to our physical body, often manifesting in specific areas based on the type of emotion.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney


In times of stress and anxiety, self-regulation techniques may help bring us back into the here and now in a safe way.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Self talk.

Pay attention to your inner dialogue, especially in moments of stress or self-doubt. Notice the statements you frequently tell yourself, such as "I'm not good enough," "I always mess up," or "I can't do this."

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Meditation practice.

Having a daily meditation practice is vital for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Meditation serves as a powerful tool for cultivating mindfulness, helping to anchor your awareness in the present moment.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Energy of emotions.

The understanding of how emotions are stored in the body and their connection to the energetic body is rooted in both traditional and contemporary sources, drawing from a blend of ancient wisdom and modern research.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Vagus nerve reset.

Vagus in Latin means wandering. The Vagus Nerve travels from the brain all the way down the torso.

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Janine Coney Janine Coney

Evidence based EFT.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), often referred to as "tapping," is a psychological acupressure technique that has gained attention for its potential in treating a variety of emotional and psychological issues.

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