Emotions stored.

Emotions are deeply connected to our physical body, often manifesting in specific areas based on the type of emotion. For example, stress and anxiety commonly settle in the shoulders, neck, and stomach, leading to tension headaches, muscle tightness, or digestive issues. Sadness may feel heavy in the chest, while anger can create a burning sensation in the gut or cause jaw clenching.

When emotions are not processed, they can become trapped in the body, leading to chronic pain, illness, or a general sense of unease. This physical manifestation of stored emotions can keep us in a cycle of emotional distress, making it harder to break free from patterns of stress or negativity. Releasing these emotions through practices like mindfulness, therapy(such as Emotional Freedom Techniques aka tapping or somatic experiencing), or physical movement can bring relief and restore balance to both mind and body.

Different emotions tend to lodge in specific parts of the body, leading to various physical and psychological issues. This connection is supported by both traditional practices and modern research.

Stress and Anxiety: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) suggests that stress often accumulates in the shoulders, neck, and upper back, resulting in chronic tension, headaches, and restricted movement. Over time, this tension can lead to conditions like TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) or chronic neck pain.

Anger: Both TCM and Ayurvedic traditions link anger to the liver and digestive system. Unprocessed anger may be stored in the gut or jaw, leading to digestive problems like acid reflux, ulcers, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Jaw clenching from anger can cause teeth grinding (bruxism), resulting in worn teeth, jaw pain, or headaches.

Sadness and Grief: In ancient Indian traditions, the heart chakra is associated with sadness and grief, often held in the chest area, causing a heavy feeling, tightness, or difficulty breathing. Prolonged sadness can contribute to heart issues like palpitations or exacerbate conditions such as asthma.

Fear: Fear is closely linked to the root chakra, which governs our sense of safety and grounding. When stored in the hips and lower back, fear can manifest as stiffness, lower back pain, or sciatica, potentially leading to chronic pain conditions that affect posture and movement.


Pen to paper manifesting.

