
In times of stress and anxiety, self-regulation techniques may help bring us back into the here and now in a safe way. The more present you are in your body, the calmer and safer you will feel. You can close your eyes and pay attention to what happens in your body when you practice each of these self-regulation tools.

• Run cool water over your hands. Hold onto ice cubes if the urge is intense.

• Place a cool washcloth on your head/face.

• Grab tightly onto your chair as hard as you can.

• Dig your heels into the floor-literally “grounding” them! Notice the tension centered in your heels as you do this. Remind yourself you are connected to the ground.

• Notice your body: the weight of your body in the chair; wiggle your toes in your socks; the feel of your chair against your back…

• Stretch. Roll your head around.

• Clench and release your fists.

• Walk slowly; notice each footstep, saying “left or “right”… in detail to yourself.

• Focus on your breathing, notice each inhale and exhale. Continue for 10 slow, deep breaths.

• Eat something, describing the flavours to yourself.

• Scan the room and notice five things you see in detail.

• Listen for five things that you can hear. The clock ticking, the a/c humming, your own breathing, etc.

• Focus on five things you can feel in contact with your body (ie., your clothes, your back against the chair, your feet on the floor, your hair touching your neck, your watch on your wrist.

• Count to 10 or say the alphabet. Very s…… l….. o….. w….. .l…… y..

• Jump up and down


Emotions stored.


Self talk.